We’re sitting on a big pile of pipe bombs. Our society is boiling, and there is a large group of citizens that want to keep it boiling. Trump’s election was made possible by running ads like this and claiming that the government is the enemy.

Trump’s entire tenure as president consists of enemies like The Evil Press, The Clintons, George Soros, Mexicans, Globalists, and any other scapegoat that serves his current purpose. If it’s an enemy that will rile up his base at a rally, then it’s an enemy worth having.

Meanwhile, we have seen a gunman killing Jews, a gunman killing black people, and countless other hate crimes that have happened while Trump continues to stir the pot. We have a president that is a self-proclaimed nationalist, wants to build a wall, lies more than most politicians, thinks extending term limits for himself would be great, and thinks that other countries should make sure their citizens don’t leave the country. We have a president who is now saying that the ‘bomb stuff’ keeps Republicans from voting.

If we think that we are immune to a despot seizing this country’s control, then we are delusional. If a substantial portion of our voting population continues to ignore the red flags and dismiss them as jokes, we will fall down Nationalism’s slippery slope.

It’s looking like this midterm election will leave the Republicans with a majority in the Senate despite all the evidence that their leader is far from fit to lead a company, let alone a country. It is this fact that honestly scares me. It is unreal that so many people are propping up this behavior, presumably because they want a tax cut, and God runs the Republican party.