Groupthink is dangerous. When humans decide to think blindly, Bad Things Happen. ™️
In the United States, we are often extremists. We don’t like other extremists encroaching on our territory. It’s one of the reasons we fight extremists in other countries.
I noticed our extremist tendencies when I lived in Austria back in 2008. Becoming aware of this truth is as simple as looking at the food choices in Euro Spar VS Safeway.
What I wrote in the last paragraph needs to be balanced because extremism can be a good thing. If we are extremely passionate about a subject, we can cultivate excitement for moonshot projects like actual Moon landings. If we are extremely focused, nobody is complaining about that except our spouses.
Why aren’t we excited about the prospect of a Mars shot instead of arguing about health care and abortion?
Balance is the key, and we don’t have it right now. The scales have tipped in the wrong direction, and we’re floundering while COVID-19 continues to lock down our society and kill indiscriminately.
People are killing people because they don’t want to wear a mask. Police are attacking citizens without a uniform, and people are cheering Federal agencies for joining in on the fun.
People need to wake up and smell the madness before it’s too late. We need to restore balance to public discourse and stop feeding the beast.
Corporate Personhood
Corporations receive special treatment while small businesses shut down across the street from corporate-run companies.
A movie company was allowed to put a restaurant across the street from a small business owner while the owner’s restaurant was forced to shut down. It’s a travesty, and meanwhile, American citizens fight to control the narrative for their side. We don’t have two sides; we have Americans and Americans.
While some of the video’s situations are likely a product of a flawed legal system, corporations are receiving preferential treatment, and that is a morally bankrupt situation.
You know that corporations consistently receive massive kickbacks from government deals if you’re following politics. The Cares Act provided 500 billion dollars to corporations.

We are owned by an elite group of rich people that are STEALING OUR MONEY.
We Are Not Enemies
The system is the enemy, we are not enemies. We must change the system and return to a balanced system that works for the people, not wealthy corporations. Our job is to stop accepting the status quo. We cannot allow rich and powerful people to continue rigging the game in their favor. We must save the republic before it’s too late.