I am an independent person that believes in pragmatism and cooperation and knows that Meeting extremism with extremism is not a solution to American problems.

I believe in Democracy, and I no longer believe in our representative republic because our representation is widely corrupt. Like most American citizens, I know that corporate interests and powerful lobbyists control our system of government.

We, the people who want a fair system, are caught in the middle of an ongoing culture war. We didn’t ask for it, but here we are.

TL;DR; Use the first set of tools to save America.

We have a few tools we can use to help fix America’s mess peacefully.

  1. A vote
  2. Our brains
  3. Time & money
  4. Love
  5. Understanding

Unfortunately, many people are using these tools to nullify our power.

  • Disinformation
  • Divisive speech
  • Hate
  • Rage
  • Our time & attention
  • Money

I admit that the culture war has captured my time & attention for the past five years. I’m not proud of that fact, and I want to do something about it. I want to help you step out of the fray. I want to paint a picture of reality and appeal to your reason. I hope you’re open to listening. If you’re not, and enough people continue fighting each other, it’s over. We won’t have a country to fight for anymore.

Corporate Interests

In America, corporate interest is a trump card often played against the will of the American people. Money and power-driven interest eat most of the American pie. The media tells us to blame the other side while special interests divide our American pie amongst them. Partisan talking head hacks speak on prime time television 24/7, filling us with lies and half-truths taken out of context.

I hope I’m preaching to the choir by now because most people I know already know this. An effective way to fight against corporate interests is to work and help save the republic. It’s one of the few bipartisan and universal truths we can rally behind in the coming year.

The Game IS Rigged

Our country’s current design keeps powerful people in power. Instead of directing our energy to constructive work, our time & attention are siphoned away by divisive speech, hate, and angry appeals. The powerful have suppressed our collective will to power, so we’re left feeling helpless. We feel as though the game is over already. I know this because sometimes, that’s exactly how I feel. I know that many of my friends and family feel the same way. It’s written on the faces of otherwise powerful people that fight against a system that leaves most people behind.

Only a large army of reasonable people can change the system. Ignorance is bliss when you step outside the fray and get to work. I implore you to look away from the train wreck and start looking for ways to help save the republic.

We Are Not Enemies

I know you want to put food on your table. Whether you’re wealthy, poor, or middle class, you want enough American pie to live and fulfill your dreams. I know you love, and I know you love freedom. A fundamental aspect of being an American is a love of liberty. We \ fought catastrophic wars to preserve our freedom at home and abroad.

Today we are being pitted against each other while our American pie rots from within. Powerful people want to keep us fighting while they take what’s left of the pie for themselves. They don’t care about you, and they don’t care about America. They don’t even care about freedom unless it’s theirs.

We are on the same side. We all want what Thomas Jefferson wanted.

Please Raise Your Voice

I want to thank Heather Cox Richardson for writing this article which inspired me to write. If you write or speak, please raise your voice for our freedom. It’s more important than ever that our voices be heard, and every voice is needed.