Republican conspiracies are rampant in 2022. It appears that Republicans have been growing a Conspiracy Tree farm for decades, and the 2020s are the harvest season.
Beyond your run-of-the-mill conspiracy theories, Republicans are conspiring to overthrow elections. I wonder what secret Republican meetings look like; I bet they look something like this.

With an upcoming vote on H.R.4 - John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 looming, it’s time to peel the layers of the Republican conspiracy onion. I imagine crying will be involved.
Join me on a journey of projection, intrigue, and disbelief as I peer into the bowels of the Republican apparatus.
Let’s start with the fact that Republicans have been cheating in elections for decades, if not longer. Sure, Democratic cheating exists, but Republicans are the experts. It’s impossible to stamp out cheating; cheating is a human behavior that will never disappear.
In 2004, John Kerry likely won the election. It’s pretty suspect with quotes like this floating around at the time.
“If we do not suppress the Detroit vote, we’re going to have a tough time in this election.”
— John Pappageorge, a Republican state legislator in Michigan, said in summer 2004
The Diebold voting machines were, in all likelihood, used to steal more than one election in favor of Republicans. Republicans would be screaming bloody murder right now if leaked memos circulated about voting machines.
Let’s not gloss over this fact.
Today, counties in Texas, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, and New Jersey are still exclusively using paperless machines, also called direct-recording electronic systems (DREs).
If you’re keeping score, seven out of eight states without a paper trail went to Republicans in the 2020 election result. I’m not a supporter of the either party, but the Democratic Party should investigating the election results in those states.
Let’s not go into their packing of the supreme court and Mitch McConnell’s successful blockage of Merrick Garland’s seat on the supreme court under the Obama administration.
I could go on and on with the likes of the Al Gore & George Bush Jr. 2000 Presidential election, which includes a 0.009% voting spread in Florida which, if won by Gore, would have left the Democratic party as the winner. However, I’ll spare you from that slog.
The Republican leadership adopts many conspiracy theories. Yes, Democratic party members also believe things like a Trump pee tape and other ridiculous conspiracies. No, there aren’t as many Democrats believing horseshit as Republicans.
Per a SAGE research article.
I find it interesting to see the press condeming Biden for questioning election integrity after well over four years of Trump’s blathering about a rigged election. I’m not a fan of the left or the right, but Trump is a wannabe fascist.
I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of people living in an alternate reality. If you’re interested in making a difference, join us as we save the republic. As we march towards the 2022 election, it’s more important than ever to stick to the facts.
Our republic depends on a shared reality, based on the rule of law, and impeccable integrity. We cannot accept lies as the status quo, and we must hold ourselves and our leaders accountable.
No nation will remain healthy if corruption and lies become an accepted norm. I hope you join me in electing leaders that live with integrity, and aren’t assertive liars.