Don’t feed the trolls, seriously! Internet trolling is a pattern of behavior that people quickly identified in the early years of the Internet. Fast-forward to 2022, and we have a troll epidemic that has infected most media outlets across the board. Let’s learn about some of these trolls, why they are considered trolls, and what we can do about it.
In The Beginning
I was on the Internet in 1992 and have used it steadily for thirty years. My first experiences with Internet trolling centered around forums & chat. I quickly discovered people flooding forums & chats with nonsense for entertainment purposes.
Back in the early days of the Internet, a few people created channels & forums controlled by small communities. It was easy to kick trolls out of discussions and move on with our lives. Now, not so much.
In 2022, Internet trolling is still incredibly common and is likely a big reason why Facebook dominates social media. At least you can ban people that Troll you on Facebook, even if you’re asking for it, by speaking in public.
Becoming an Internet troll is a path to riches these days. People are making money off teaching people how to be trolls. What is wrong with humanity?
I consider the likes of Faux News and CNN troll networks that sell outrage in return for your clicks. They parade panels of talking heads that constantly troll each other.
It’s a troll’s dream to make you so angry that you feed them with reckless abandon. Stealing your time and taking your money at little to no cost is a delicious treat for an epic troll. Imagine all the trolltainment hours you’ve spent watching trolls troll people for profit. I hope it’s little to none, but my anecdotal evidence reveals that many are troll victims.
Come again, can you define Internet Troll?
We can use the standard definition of Troll.
- a person who makes a deliberately offensive or provocative online post.
- a deliberately offensive or provocative online post.
By this definition, there are legions of Internet trolls in our midst.
The Troll Roll
Here are some notable toxic trolls.
I’ll adjust this list as time goes by.
I might presume these people will eventually end the troll business, but my assumption would be wrong, unless they die.
Trolling pays, and trolls enjoy feeding frenzies as millions of John Q Public clones click ads, buy outrage porn, and line up to hear them complain while they peddle zero solutions.
Sean Hannity
What an epic troll. Sean has been trolling everyone that isn’t a right-wing nutjob for decades.
Hannity loves inviting his troll network over to troll with devilish glee.
Mitch McConnell
As long as Mitch is nearby Hannity, we’re good. Do I need to say more? Well, I have, so please give this a read if you’re so inclined.
How Does Mitch McConnell Get Elected?
Charlie Kirk
Need he say more?

I am in the process of coining a word for people like this. So far, these are the words me and my friends would use to describe this guy.
Hypocritical idiot, fucknugget, moron, plain ol’ hypocrite, obtuse, piece of shit, garbage, fuckwad, degenerate, and more!
Candace Owens
She’s a nationalism apologist stirring the pot, just like the king of trolls Donald Trump. She spreads disinformation all the time and loves stirring the pot in favor of conservative ideals. She loves doing controversial things to get free press on social media. It appears her strategy is to start flame wars for profit.
Donald Trump
Trump would be the final battle if there were a video game with troll bosses. If you’ve been paying attention to his political shenanigans, you would know he incessantly trolled Obama as he questioned his citizenship.
Trump’s trolling activities undoubtedly helped him become president. He played the media like a fiddle and received mountains of free press before the 2016 election.
End Of The Trolls
I wish there were more critical thinkers in the United States. Unfortunately, people love to hate and feel outraged. Being angry is a national pastime, and these trolls, along with many more, are catering to the whim of assertive liars and continue to fuel Republican Conspiracies.
I hope someday we can save the republic from the mob of low-integrity trolls. If we don’t return to constructive debates around solving problems, our country won’t last much longer.
It’s time for reasonable people to speak up and starve the trolls by giving them zero engagement. I hope you’ll join me and help change the political system for the better.