We are not enemies; we are human beings attempting to survive.

I started ignoring Russell Brand’s commentary on life, the universe, and everything, but not anymore, not after this.

Brand entertains discussions with divisive shit bags and elevates their bothersome voices. However, as Brand says in this video, the REAL political arch-villain is big business.

We have created a monster by allowing corporations to siphon our collective power to a few people. These people manipulate us at every turn and pit us against each other by calling us left-wing, right-wing, centrist, independent, or whatever the hell name works at the time. Their primary aim is to distract us while they steal our tax dollars and accumulate more power.

However, I will never align with the likes of Donald Trump or anyone else that lies, divides us, and is selfish. Those human behaviors are diametrically antithetical to my principles and values. After Trump incited an insurrection, my tolerance for his supporters fell well beyond below zero.

I don’t dislike you or hate you if you supported Trump, but I am very disappointed that you would put aside principles and help anyone of this nature. If you still support Trump, please unfriend me.

Over the past couple of years, I have learned that we won’t fix this problem from the top down. We won’t see an acceptable Federal candidate anytime soon because they are all bought and paid for by big business. The U.S. government has become infested with greedy locusts hell-bent on consuming our resources. These enemies are primarily mindless and focus on consuming everything to gain more power. Our best option is to organize locally and hold ourselves accountable while reinforcing our roots. Our roots, which are fighting to breathe, are integrity, truth, honor, and the rule of law.

I hope enough of us wake up to this reality. Fighting each other isn’t a solution, and it certainly won’t lead us to a promised land. We must work together to save the republic with a unified voice in opposition to extremism and corruption.

Here are my thoughts on the real problem we’re facing, and it’s not us unless you’re a greedy consumer of power.

I am not a Democrat or a Republican