Peace is weak; therefore, we must defend it.
Once upon a time, I muttered to myself, “What a boring age.”. Oh, how I was wrong. My life has been turned upside down by a global pandemic, a brush with fascism, an ongoing dance with WWIII, and worldwide inflation. I could throw in the decentralization of finance as well; why not?
I’m optimistic about decentralized finance, but I’m dubious of its power. I can imagine a world where despots have zero consequences for their actions. I can imagine decentralized despots giving the world a giant finger as they use nukes as an excuse to invade countries.
Anyway, I’ve relayed enough doom and gloom. Let’s talk about peace. Most of us love peace, as evidenced by a large amount of peace since WWII. Sure, there are many assholes killing people now, but at least we’re not living through WWII.
Look at this beautiful peace!

Peace is widespread, and even Republicans are enjoying some of it. Not as much lately, but they do enjoy peace. Look at the Canadians on the global peace index map. They are peace’s biggest fans! I love Canadians. 🇨🇦
It’s Weak
Peace is fragile, especially in Hollywood. How about that lineup of violent content, eh? Don’t get me wrong; I love killing zombies and pirates trying to board my ship. However, when was the last time you saw a peaceful entertainment piece? Peace doesn’t sell in Hollywood or Megadeth albums. It’s boring as I described this era.
Part of my philosophy includes this:
Don’t invite drama into your life; it will invite itself.
It’s the same with chaos.
Don’t invite chaos into your life; it will invite itself.
A little chaos keeps life interesting. I’m a big fan of chaos in controlled bursts. A few slight changes will always reduce boredom. A world war, not so much.
Putin has threatened the world order. He has thrown our peaceful world for a loop, and none know what will happen. It’s scary, and peace is weak.
We must protect it
Peace thrives when good people guide conversations. At this stage in our world’s history, we must speak up. We must demand peace and demand justice.
To defend peace, we must also protect the truth. Many political influencers seek to delegitimize peaceful discourse.
I’m one to talk; I often fall into the trap of negativity that all humans are prone to do. I will strive to do better and avoid attacking groups of people, even Trump Republicans. I vow to focus my energies on solving problems rather than continue feeding the angry beast side of our humanity.
Our call to action is to amplify peace and avoid filling negative speech bubbles.
How do I help?
Many people work hard to control and manipulate you. If you buy what they’re selling, their fortunes grow along with their power. However, there is hope. I believe we can break the cycle by pointing a blinding light at the powerbrokers of our modern age.
If we ignore center stage liars and learn how to be good citizens, our precious peace will not disappear like smoke in the wind.
Peace is weak, and I believe we have a duty to defend it now. I believe we can save the republic with the truth in concentrated form. Are you ready?