Republican Conspiracies

Republican conspiracies are rampant in 2022. It appears that Republicans have been growing a Conspiracy Tree farm for decades, and the 2020s are the harvest season. Beyond your run-of-the-mill conspiracy theories, Republicans are conspiring to overthrow elections. I wonder what secret Republican meetings look like; I bet they look something like this. With an upcoming vote on H.R.4 - John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 looming, it’s time to peel the layers of the Republican conspiracy onion....

An American Appeal to Reason

I am an independent person that believes in pragmatism and cooperation and knows that Meeting extremism with extremism is not a solution to American problems. I believe in Democracy, and I no longer believe in our representative republic because our representation is widely corrupt. Like most American citizens, I know that corporate interests and powerful lobbyists control our system of government. We, the people who want a fair system, are caught in the middle of an ongoing culture war....

I Love Science

I love science because it’s my favorite human invention. ❤️ I consider philosophy and ethics a close second and third. I might be writing on a scroll or parchment right now if science stalled after the first century. We humans would still be stuck in the stone age if some intelligent Cro-Magnon didn’t buy into the scientific method. Do you know why many leaders treat scientists like garbage in 2021? Why is Rand Paul lauded for attacking eighty-year-old scientists at every turn?...

The Rittenhouse Trial

Kyle Rittenhouse received a not guilty verdict because laws need changing. Why underage kids are allowed to carry an assault weapon openly is beyond me, but it is legal according to Wisconsin law. I believe Rittenhouse would either be dead or in prison if he wasn’t white. I am sure he would have been shot by law enforcement officers as soon as they saw him carrying an assault weapon. If he were lucky enough to make it to trial, the judge would have found a way to convict him....

Billionaires In Space

Billionaires in space have been in the news lately. What’s most notable about this topic isn’t that humanity has achieved major commercialized space flight milestones. What’s remarkable is the jarring realization that society as a whole is getting the micro end of the stick. I’ll recount facts about Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, William Shatner, and more. I will then summarize a disturbing realization that compelled me to write this article. I hope we all realize billionaires in space have given us a blaring wake-up call....