Thought Police

Thought police is a phrase used in the novel Nineteen Eight-Four (1984). Google reveals that its usage has steadily crept up over the years. In 1984 citizens of Oceania were monitored by the thought police for thoughtcrime infractions. I highly recommend reading the book if you haven’t already. In today’s era chock full of assertive liars, we’re bound to encounter thought police that believe you must submit to their will....

There’s no such thing as The Left

Matthew Cooke is correct about everything he says in this video. There is no Left. I’ve said it multiple times, and I’ll keep saying it. The Left has no seat at the political power table. The super scary people that want to force everyone to share have no chance of gaining political power anytime soon. Not when the Democratic Party lets corrupt corporate lapdogs like Joe Manchin & Kyrsten Sinema call the shots....

Covid Vaccination

Covid vaccination has become a hot political topic. People believe you should get the vaccine no matter what, and on the other side, they’ll get a vaccine over their cold dead bodies. Unsurprisingly, Americans have two extreme and ridiculous points of view that are incompatible with each other. The two sides feed on and need each other to survive with rational people caught in the middle. It’s up to all sensible people to compile some facts and make a decision based on reality....

Republican Video Games

Republican video games require total sensory input and output. For instance, let’s take QAnon; QAnon works a lot like a video game, and it contains puzzles, stories, is multiplayer, and it never ends. However, Republicans draw the line when it comes to simulated video games. Let’s zoom in on Republican video games and their undying hatred for them. A History of Video Game Vilification Republicans have always loved using video games as a scapegoat for societal issues....


9/11 was a tragic day for America. I was living in Austria during the Bush years when America invaded Iraq. I watched in horror as Bush told the rest of the world to sit down and shut up while our military bombed innocent people. I was angry that he authorized an invasion of Iraq without unequivocal proof that Iraq was responsible for the attack. I didn’t spend a lot of time engaging in politics when I lived in Austria....